Stock Splits

Announcement Date Record Date Payable Date Type
3/18/2015 * 3/30/2015 4/8/2015 2-for-1
9/21/2005 10/3/2005 10/21/2005 2-for-1
3/20/2001 3/30/2001 4/27/2001 2-for-1
2/22/1999 3/5/1999 3/19/1999 2-for-1
9/29/1995 11/1/1995 12/1/1995 2-for-1
7/1/1993 8/30/1993 9/29/1993 2-for-1

* 2-for-1 Stock Split announced on March 18, 2015 - related documents

Download item year list

Quarterly Cash Dividends

Announcement Date Record Date Payable Date Amount
12/11/2024 02/14/2025 02/28/2025 $0.61
10/22/2024 11/15/2024 11/29/2024 $0.61
06/20/2024 08/16/2024 08/30/2024 $0.57
03/20/2024 05/17/2024 05/31/2024 $0.57
12/01/2023 02/09/2024 02/23/2024 $0.57
09/20/2023 11/10/2023 11/24/2023 $0.57
06/21/2023 08/11/2023 08/25/2023 $0.53
04/03/2023 05/12/2023 05/26/2023 $0.53
11/30/2022 02/10/2023 02/24/2023 $0.53
09/28/2022 11/11/2022 11/25/2022 $0.53
06/29/2022 08/12/2022 08/26/2022 $0.49
03/22/2022 05/13/2022 05/27/2022 $0.49
11/16/2021 02/11/2022 02/25/2022 $0.49
09/29/2021 11/12/2021 11/26/2021 $0.49
06/23/2021 08/12/2021 08/27/2021 $0.45
03/17/2021 05/13/2021 05/28/2021 $0.45
01/13/2021 02/18/2021 03/05/2021 $0.45
09/30/2020 11/12/2020 11/27/2020 $0.45
06/24/2020 08/07/2020 08/21/2020 $0.41
04/28/2020 05/08/2020 05/22/2020 $0.41
01/28/2020 02/06/2020 02/21/2020 $0.41
10/30/2019 11/13/2019 11/29/2019 $0.41
07/25/2019 08/08/2019 08/23/2019 $0.36
04/25/2019 05/09/2019 05/24/2019 $0.36
01/24/2019 02/07/2019 02/22/2019 $0.36
11/01/2018 11/15/2018 11/30/2018 $0.36
06/19/2018 08/09/2018 08/24/2018 $0.36
04/26/2018 05/10/2018 05/25/2018 $0.30
01/25/2018 02/08/2018 02/23/2018 $0.30
11/02/2017 11/16/2017 12/01/2017 $0.30
07/27/2017 08/10/2017 08/25/2017 $0.25
04/27/2017 05/11/2017 05/26/2017 $0.25
01/26/2017 02/09/2017 02/24/2017 $0.25
11/03/2016 11/17/2016 12/02/2016 $0.25
07/21/2016 08/04/2016 08/19/2016 $0.20
04/21/2016 05/05/2016 05/20/2016 $0.20
01/21/2016 02/04/2016 02/19/2016 $0.20
10/29/2015 11/12/2015 11/27/2015 $0.20
07/23/2015 08/06/2015 08/21/2015 $0.16
04/23/2015 05/07/2015 05/22/2015 $0.16
01/22/2015 02/05/2015 02/20/2015 $0.16
10/30/2014 11/13/2014 11/28/2014 $0.16
07/24/2014 08/07/2014 08/22/2014 $0.13
04/24/2014 05/08/2014 05/23/2014 $0.13
01/23/2014 02/06/2014 02/21/2014 $0.13
10/30/2013 11/14/2013 11/29/2013 $0.13
07/25/2013 08/08/2013 08/23/2013 $0.105
04/25/2013 05/09/2013 05/24/2013 $0.105
01/24/2013 02/07/2013 02/22/2013 $0.105
11/01/2012 11/15/2012 11/30/2012 $0.105
07/26/2012 08/08/2012 08/24/2012 $0.085
04/26/2012 05/09/2012 05/25/2012 $0.085
01/26/2012 02/08/2012 02/24/2012 $0.085
11/03/2011 11/17/2011 12/02/2011 $0.085
07/28/2011 08/10/2011 08/26/2011 $0.065
04/27/2011 05/11/2011 05/27/2011 $0.065
01/26/2011 02/09/2011 02/25/2011 $0.065
11/04/2010 11/18/2010 12/03/2010 $0.065
07/21/2010 08/04/2010 08/20/2010 $0.065
03/24/2010 04/07/2010 04/23/2010 $0.05

Note: All historical dividends paid have been adjusted to reflect the stock split announced 3/18/15

Direct Stock Purchase/Sale

Starbucks offers a Direct Stock Purchase and Sale Program (BuyDirect Plan) administered by our transfer agent, Computershare. The BuyDirect Plan offers stockholders the ability to:

  • purchase initial shares of Starbucks common stock or make subsequent purchases directly from Computershare;
  • reinvest all or part of your Starbucks cash dividends to purchase additional stock;
  • direct deposit cash dividends;
  • safe keep stock certificates; and
  • sell stock and pay lower fees than those generally charged by stockbrokers for small transactions

How to Enroll:

If you are a current registered shareholder of record, you may access your account and enroll online in the BuyDirect Plan. If you are a new investor or a shareholder who holds Starbucks shares in a brokerage account, click here to continue to the Starbucks Corporation BuyDirect Plan.

IMPORTANT: Before submitting the enrollment form, please be sure to read and understand information contained in the Brochure.

For additional information, please contact the BuyDirect Plan administration at
contact us by phone 1-888-835-2866 or (opens in new window)